an ePiDemiological stuDy oFroaDtraFFic acciDent cases attenDing emergency DePartment oF teacHing HosPital


  • Prasan K Banthia KMC Teaching Hospital, Sinamangal, Kathmandu
  • B Koirala KMC Teaching Hospital, Sinamangal, Kathmandu
  • A Rauniyar KMC Teaching Hospital, Sinamangal, Kathmandu
  • D Chaudhary KMC Teaching Hospital, Sinamangal, Kathmandu
  • T Kharel KMC Teaching Hospital, Sinamangal, Kathmandu
  • S B Khadka KMC Teaching Hospital, Sinamangal, Kathmandu



Several studies have shown that road traffic injuries are a major cause of death and disability glob-ally, with a disproportionate number occurring in developing countries. The growth in numbers of
motor vehicles is a major contributing factor in the rising toll of fatalities and injuries from road
traffic crashes in poor countries. In this study, we reviewed medical records of all the victims of
road traffic accidents attending the emergency department of Kathmandu Medical College Teaching
Hospital within a year. A total of 757 road traffic victims were reported which accounted for 6.66%
of all the cases attending the emergency. 49.93% cases belonged to 21-40 years age group. The most
common victim group comprised the pedestrians (56.54%) with motorcycle (55.09%) being the most
commonly involved vehicle. 44.65% accidents occurred in evening (12-6 pm). The lower limbs (in
42.0% cases) were the most common body region injured with superficial injuries (bruise/abrasion)
accounting for the most common injury pattern followed by soft tissue injuries, incised/lacerated
wounds and fractures and dislocations. Most accidents occurred in the April-June trimester.
Address for correspondence :
Dr. Prasan K Banthia
KMC Teaching Hospital, Sinamangal, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Received Date : 17
Feb, 2005
Accepted Date : 12
Jun, 2006
Key Words: Road traffic accident (RTA), emergency department, developing countries, Kathmandu.




How to Cite

Banthia, P. K., Koirala, B., Rauniyar, A., Chaudhary, D., Kharel, T., & Khadka, S. B. (2006). an ePiDemiological stuDy oFroaDtraFFic acciDent cases attenDing emergency DePartment oF teacHing HosPital. Journal of Nepal Medical Association, 45(162).



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